Our Families

Are Our Future

Join our thriving community of parents and advocates who are coming together to speak out against radical policies undermining the role and authority of parents in the lives of their children

Our Strategy:

• Educate

• Engage

• Empower


Parents love and care for their children far more than any government bureaucrat ever will.

Vermont Family Alliance Core Beliefs


A parent has a fundamental right to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education, and care of their child.


Schools should partner with parents to support children, not treat parents as a problem or afterthought.


Parents have a God-given responsibility to care for the children entrusted to them.

VFA 2024



1. VFA will strive to bring awareness and collect voter signatures in support of H405.

" This bill proposes to allow all Vermont students to attend the school of the student’s choice, paid for by a School Choice Grant issued by the Agency of Education".


2. VFA will strive to influence and support Governor Scott in the creation of policy that would require all Vermont School Districts to notify parents in writing a detailed list of what public school students can consent to without parental knowledge.

Parents must also be notified in writing a detailed list of all organizations with permission to access public school students.


3. VFA will testify against Prop 4 and other anti-parent bills introduced in 2024.

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Fighting for Our Families in Vermont



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